You have a lot of heavy lifting to do in your business if it’s going to be successful.
For many business owners, being in business can be overwhelming. And rightly so, there is so much information, and you can get easily distracted by the next best thing! As a result, it can be hard to know what will work and what will lead to more of the same.
Emails, especially those going to web-based email providers, can get lost in spam and promotions tabs.
So I thought I would share my white list email template so you can remind your subscribers to place you in their inbox so they never miss out on hearing from you.
It works a treat for me, I hope it works for you too ;-)
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White List Emails Template
Before we get started...can I ask a small favour?
I often send some ideas, information and free content, and I want to make sure that you continue to receive that incredible value.
So would you take a quick minute to "whitelist" emails from [your name] and [your email address].
This is important!
If my emails aren't getting through, you'll miss all the important updates about building a successful business (and you won't receive the full benefit of being a subscriber).
So please take the following simple actions to make sure nothing slips through the cracks:
1) Follow the whitelisting instructions for your email provider.
2) If you're a Gmail user or you use any other web-based email that sometimes diverts valuable emails away from your primary inbox, be sure to check and drag any emails from me into your "Primary" or "Priority" Inbox.
So, take a few minutes to complete this and let's get started
You've got this! [ name ]

About the author:
Hey there my name is Kathie, I've been in the business world for over 25 years, steering various ventures to success with turnovers of up to 3 million dollars. It all started when I was 27, and since then, I've been fully committed to making businesses not just run but thrive. After two decades of immersing myself in product-focused ventures, I decided to take it to the next level. I launched my own business consultancy, with a clear mission: helping businesses and non-profits grow. My secret sauce? Strategic thinking and a solid commitment to seeing people not just survive but excel. I have a track record to prove it. Taking businesses from ground zero to six figures has been my specialty. How did I do it? Well, chalk it up to thinking strategically, a clear plan, consistency, resilience, adaptability, and a good old dose of stubborn determination.
I've got the scars and the stories to back it up. Like to know more? Say Hello. x Kathie